Friday 18 December 2009

Objective, constructive criticism

As a former news editor at Post Magazine, I like to think I can tell what's in a story so with this blog I hope to provide my perspective on what's in the business media.

Every week, I'll pick my favourite stories from a variety of sources and give a little taste of what I think they mean. Hopefully it will provide some food for thought.

Being so near to Christmas, the first thing I hear out of almost everyone's mouth is 'probably wait 'till the new year', and to an extent that could be true of the news. Planning Magazine lifted the frustration a little however with a front page picture story that sees property developing giant Peel Holdings promising to make the Wirral look like Singapore. A £4.5bn mixed-use scheme is in the offing and their ambition seems to be without limits. There will be enormous complexities and probably local objections involved in a plan like this, but it's remarkable to think that stuff like that could be done...

Away from property and planning, Post Magazine wins this week's getting away with it prize by handing over its view from the top column to Meerkat comparitor Alexandr Orlov. I once interviewed the insurance provider, MoreThan's Lucky the dog for an xmas story like this so there's the tip for you marketers out there; Get yourself a brand icon and you can sack all the talking heads at the firm. Who wouldn't rather have a chinwag with Churchill the dog instead of Paul Geddes?

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